Tipos de Vodka e degustação | Casa da Vodka | Russian Standard
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Types of Vodka and Tasting

Vodkas are usually made from rye, wheat or potatoes. Other products, such as corn or grapes can be used but we will focus on these 3 main ones.

The base of vodka is important for the final taste and texture and with this table we hope to help you choose the best vodka for you or your business.

Vodka tasting is done in 3 stages: aroma, flavor and the finish.

  • Aroma: Smell the vodka as you spin it in the glass. A good vodka should have a creamy, sweet or cereal aroma. A bad vodka will have an aggressive odor, like ethyl alcohol reminiscent of medicinal

  • Flavor: let the vodka rest in your mouth for 3 seconds and exhale through your nose before drinking - this will give you a better taste sensation.

  • Final: Enjoy the final taste after drinking. Depending on the type of vodka it can leave you feeling warm, or light and sweet.

Potato (gluten-free)
Potato vodkas are, as a general rule, thick and creamy vodkas with a smooth texture.
They are easy to drink and have a soft finish with an aroma and flavors of wet earth and fruit.
Examples: Chopin and Luksusowa
These vodkas are generally spicy, hot and have a strong and brief impact on flavor.
They have a smooth and intense finish with soft finishing touches.
Examples: Wyborowa, Belvedere, Żubrówka
Wheat vodkas are usually vodkas that leave a long, warm finish to the throat.
They are smooth, clean and with a lot of character. Many are especially appreciated on the coldest days.
Examples: Absolut. Gray Goose, Nemiroff
There are other bases for vodka like corn, cereal mix or even grapes. and each has different characteristics.
Cereal mix: Soplica, Russian Standard
Corn: Smirnoff, Tito's
Grapes: Ciroc
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